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17-03-2025Alexander and Elena review of cooperation with the Bulgarian House company
14-02-2025Feedback from Alex and Adele from Israel on cooperation with the Bulgarian House
14-02-2025Feedback from Mikhail and Elizabeth on cooperation with the Bulgarian House
03-12-2024Anna (Ukraine)

I would like to express my deep gratitude to BolgarskiyDom for itsRead full review

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Each of you wants your own corner of happiness, somewhere in a quiet and peaceful place, away from all the hustle and bustle of this world. Let us help you. Let me introduce you to sunny Bulgaria. The Bulgarian climate is very mild and good for all people, including children and seniors. Our highly qualified staff will help you in all matters related to the purchase of real estate in Bulgaria. The purchase of real estate in this country is a profitable investment of your capital. Accommodation prices are low, the economy is constantly developing, the hospitality of this great country for all inhabitants of our planet.


Moscow ,starovagankovsky pereulok 19 bld. 1

+7 495 220-90-54 Starowagankowsky zaułek 19, 1
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