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23-07-2024Galina (Russia)

The company that was recommended to me is wonderful guys. They foundRead full review

03-07-2024Vladimir and Julia (Russia)

The guys know their stuff. Great job.

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20-06-2024Sergey and Nadezhda (Ukraine)

Thank you to the staff of Bolgarskiy Dom for their professionalism andRead full review

09-06-2024Lyudmila (Ukraine)

This company is staffed by considerate, intelligent, and responsive people who areRead full review

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Where better to buy a property in Spain or Bulgaria?

It is reasonable, before you decide to purchase real estate to ask about positive and negative sides of one or another country. Because the decision depends your well-being in later years. Best buy Spanish apartments or become the owner of a Bulgarian property? Buying property is always a pleasure, and opens up a new perspective. Therefore, it is worth pondering what opportunities will be presented and whether it is possible to miss something important in the transaction.

Real estate prices

The very first thing we are interested in pricing, which was formed in these countries. Therefore compare the prices of property in Bulgaria and Spain and consider these States from the point of view of financial gain. Experts in the real estate market indicate that prices for the last 10 years on Spanish resorts practically have not changed significantly. If you invest in the acquisition of such property, if necessary, its sales may have problems. Because this country is much heavier than suffering the consequences of the crisis and the demand is not so large, you can go cheap on the purchased property. At the moment the cost of one square meter is about 1000-2000€. What is the situation in Bulgaria? Here the situation is reversed. Over the last decade, Bulgarian property noticeably began to attract the attention of foreign investors. Currently the average price is 500-1500€ per square meter. Because between the price not the big gap, the attachment of monetary savings in Bulgarian property will be more productive. Given the constant increase of demand, in a few years (if necessary) to sell such real estate is not difficult.


Sooner or later you have to deal with the payment of property taxes. If we compare these indicators in Bulgaria and Spain it is possible to detect a significant difference. For example, the Bulgarian tax assets is 0.25%. In Spain it ranges from 0.2-2.5%. In case of registration of donation or inheritance, he is from 0.01% to 7%. The Spanish government has established the rate from 8% to 34%.


Each state is fighting for the preservation of the environment in their country. In Spain, internationalNoah organization "Greenpeace" was registered a high environmental risk. This was due to active coal fired thermal power plants, which led to huge emissions of carbon dioxide. Also you can suffer from floods and hurricanes, which are not uncommon in this state. In contrast, in Bulgaria, special attention is paid to preservation of the environment. The Bulgarian government has directed its efforts at established many nature reserves, parks, which are under UNESCO protection. The location of this state minimizes natural disasters.

Other factors

Those who are going pereiti for permanent residence in the country, of course, concerned about more immediate issues. Although in Spain the level of wages is higher than in Bulgaria, taxes also have a higher rate. Bulgaria has one of the lowest crime rates in Europe. What can be said about Spain. There have about 40-50 crimes per 1,000-Chu residents. And finally, just to spend your holidays in Bulgarian resorts will be less expensive than a holiday in Spain. The decision is yours. But the above facts will surely help you make the right choice!

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Galina (Russia)

The company that was recommended to me is wonderful guys. They found

Read full 23-07-2024
Vladimir and Julia (Russia)

The guys know their stuff. Great job.

Read full 03-07-2024
Sergey and Nadezhda (Ukraine)

Thank you to the staff of Bolgarskiy Dom for their professionalism and

Read full 20-06-2024
Lyudmila (Ukraine)

This company is staffed by considerate, intelligent, and responsive people who are

Read full 09-06-2024
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