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17-03-2025Alexander and Elena review of cooperation with the Bulgarian House company
14-02-2025Feedback from Alex and Adele from Israel on cooperation with the Bulgarian House
14-02-2025Feedback from Mikhail and Elizabeth on cooperation with the Bulgarian House
03-12-2024Anna (Ukraine)

I would like to express my deep gratitude to BolgarskiyDom for itsRead full review

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Home For You

Our company approach with individual approach to each client. We guarantee high professionalism of our employees from the beginning of cooperation, before it is finished. Vospolzovalis our services you will receive a high quality. We guarantee your comfort during the whole stay. Bulgaria can offer you not only a seasonal vacation, but also the opportunity for year-round use. There is no age limit. The owner can be anyone, the main desire. So what are you waiting for. We are waiting for you and provide you with any help and information.


119590 , Moscow, Mosfilmovskaya str., d. 52, 2nd floor

+7 495 729 22 25
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