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Property in Starosele

Tourists wishing to learn the cultural and religious past of Bulgaria, visiting places such as Starosel.

This is a small village with a population of about 1,200 people is located in Plovdiv region. This hotel is close to the town of Hisarya, the municipality and which is subject to the village.


Starosel is located at the foot of the mountain Siwinska Average. The slopes of the mountain, passing in the Upper Thracian lowland form the topography of the area. The height of the village above sea level — 300 m. the highest mountain peaks — Fener (1450 m) and Lexica (1530 m). Through the village flows the river Pasechnik in which you can swim.


The climate is of a transitional nature. A subtropical climate influenced by the proximity of the Mediterranean sea, combined with the European continental climate.

Winter soft and warm due to the fact that warm air masses from the South, trapped between the Stara Planina massif and Central mountain. Snow cover thickness of 5 mm is here only 27 days.

Spring is early and warm. While summers are usually hot.

The average annual temperature is 11.5 degrees.

Historic sites

Probably, it would have no fame, if not for the discovery of Professor Georgi Kitov. In 2000 he discovered near the village of Thracian tombs and temples. After finding this Starosel has become world famous.

The roots of Bulgarian history lie deep in antiquity. However, the most interesting historical evidence we find of a time when there lived the Thracian tribes.

The largest on the Balkan Peninsula underground Thracian temple is located here, under the mound, which is called Cheminova Grave. As the name implies, the temple includes a mausoleum. Near the mountains the cozi Gramado was excavated residence of the Thracian king. These findings are, apparently, to the reign of Amarakosa II.

Tomb Heroon, which is dubbed by the archaeologist Georgi Kitov "temple" has an impressive fence of stone blocks, a Grand staircase from the corridor. The interior of the tomb is a circular with a diameter of 4.8 meters. On the dome of the tomb you can see the color pattern.

On the North side of the temple was found in the rock rubble basement, used for the production and storage of wine. The shape of the basement — elipsovidnym. The walls are covered with mortar, which now can be called a primitive plaster. Indoors found the vessels for cooking and straining wine.

Other findings can be found in the Museum Vinarska hut. Next to it is a cafe where you can dine.

As you can see, Starosel is a small, but very important in a historical sense Selo, Bulgaria. If You are interested in the secrets and mysteries of history, be sure to visit this place. Fans of folk culture buy a house in the Bulgarian villages, because they have preserved the old Bulgarian culture.

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