More and more Russian citizens are thinking about purchasing a property abroad. This may be due to one or more reasons listed below:
- a profitable investment;
- moving to a residence with the purpose to raise the standard of living;
- the purchase of the facility in the resort area for the whole family.
Whatever the reason for Your interest in overseas property, you should not hurry with the decision not worth it. For beginning, you should decide which country appeals to You? Maybe Bulgaria or Greece? Consider the pros and cons of each state.
The standard of living
After the introduction in Greece of a new currency - the Euro, many local residents were shocked by the sharp price increase. According to some estimates, the cost of goods and services increased by 3 to 3.5 times. Salaries remained the same. The economic crisis has only aggravated the situation. At the moment the Greek government is making efforts to stabilize the economic situation in the country. In Bulgaria there is the economic problem. And yet, despite this, the ordinary citizens of these countries live in good conditions.
The following figures will help to evaluate and visualize the situation in these two European countries.
Average salary:
- Bulgaria: 680 euros/month.
- Greece: 2100 euros/month.
Minimum wage:
- Bulgaria: 175 euros/month.
- Greece: 460 euros/month.
The cost of the minimum consumer basket:
- Bulgaria: 100 euros/month.
- Greece: 100 euros/month.
Minimum medical insurance for the year:
- Bulgaria: 105 Euro/person.
- Greece: 500 Euro/person.
Pensions in Greece at a value equal to a living wage. Plus, the person receives a sum from private pension funds, which cooperated while still working. More than payments received from the person, the more his pension. Pensioners in Greece are also free medical services. The average pension in Greece is 580 euros.
In Bulgaria, the minimum pension is equal to 77.5 euros, a maximum of 420 euros. In addition, some of the citizens of Bulgaria, the state pays each month surcharge to pension. For example, veterans receive an additional 55 euros.
With regard to assistance to the unemployed, Bulgaria pays benefits ranging in size from 60 to 120 euros per month. In Greece, the amount of the unemployment benefit is equal to 55% of the minimum wage in the country.
The acquisition of property and taxes
There emerged in Greece, the average price of housing when compared with other European countries. Here housing is not as expensive as in the UK, but not available in Bulgaria. For example, for a comparable price in the capitals of these States: one square meter of real secondarySTI in Athens cost an average of about 1800 euros, and in Sofia - 850 Euro.
Legal procedure of purchasing property in Bulgaria and Greece does not differ almost. Any foreign citizen can buy their own housing in one of these countries in the usual way: select the object, bail, preliminary contract, preparation of documents and the contract of sale. In Greece, the foreign national may also be required to show a permit from the Ministry of National Defence of Greece when buying items, located on border areas or on Islands.
Property tax in Greece is paid according to the following scheme: 2 to 13 euros per square meter. The resulting amount is paid once a year. The cost varies depending on the location of the house or apartment. In Bulgaria the tax system more flexible. Each owner shall pay from 0.15% to 0.30% of the cadastral value of housing. This amount can be paid quarterly, i.e. every 3 months on one part.
Greece is located in several climatic zones. But, in General, this country can be described as: a very short mild winters in some areas with snowfalls and long hot and dry summer. Average winter temperature: +5; summer: +30 degrees Celsius.
Bulgaria also boasts a very comfortable climate. Bulgarian summer is not dry, as in Greece, and not that long. The winter is more severe, but it gives the opportunity for additional recreation at ski resorts. It should also be emphasized that Bulgaria is a country with well-preserved natural Foundation.
Utilities, transport
How much money You have to spend on utilities when you move to Greece or Bulgaria? More favorable in this situation will be life in Bulgaria. For the upkeep on average You will have to pay 80 - 120 euros per month, and in Greece - 200 - 350 euros.
The price for journey in public transport is also significantly different. In Greece a ticket for any transport (metro, bus, etc.) costs 1.4 euros. In Bulgaria bus fare costs an average of 0.3 euros in taxi: 0,76 Euro. The passage of the trolley, tram or metro is 0.51 EUR.
Summarizing, we can conclude the following: Bulgaria and Greece are two charming country that are suitable for holidays and for permanent residence. In Bulgaria more affordable prices for apartments in Greece higher standard of living. The decision is yours.