International real estate Agency conducted a global study, in which it became known that four of the most promising real estate market are in Europe. As a basis for the study of the recovered data on the growth/decline of housing prices in 39 countries for the first three quarters of 2014. The following categories were taken into account adjustment for inflation.
At the Global Рroperty Guide the real estate markets in 17 countries achieved the best results compared with the same period last year. Lowering prices is a characteristic of three States: Russia, Ukraine, Finland. In Switzerland, the price growth continues, but not at such a pace as last year.
Thus, the study yielded mostly positive results. In almost all European countries are witnessing growth, and Bulgaria is no exception. The country ranked 28th in the list with indicators +1,29%., which are very encouraging when compared with last year by 0.21%. Such growth makes housing in Bulgaria more attractive to investors.
The most significant drop in prices observed in Ukraine - 36% for 2014. But the biggest increase is noted in Dubai +24% for the period from the end of 2013. In Europe the record is considered Estonia with increased +15%, Ireland +14.5 per cent.