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The real estate market in Bulgaria in the context of pandemic coronavirus


Coronavirus, quarantine, self-isolation – the last time these terms on hearing from almost all of the inhabitants of the planet. The pandemic has mixed the cards in many areas of business, not bypassed and the real estate market.

What to expect from the market in the short and long term, will decrease the prices for apartments in Bulgaria how to behave in this situation? These are the main issues of interest to buyers and sellers of real estate. I want to tell you about the current situation in Bulgaria, to share his vision of the market of residential property and prices.

What is happening in the real estate market?

Bulgaria is now in quarantine, access to the resorts is limited, do not work notaries (except for the one guard to the area), there is no possibility to carry out display objects.

Despite this, client requests continue to arrive, and the Agency's work on remote. With the exception of processing transactions, work with clients continues normally – supported online communication, virtual views are organized, in some cases there is remote backup facilities.

Up to date information on 3.04.2020:

Remote execution of the purchase and sale of difficult to hold, despite the quarantine. There is a possibility to order the documents for the deal online (they are cooked longer than usual). Also in Bulgarian banks operate that allows you to transfer funds to the account of the buyer/seller.

The market sentiment and the situation with housing prices?

All market participants behave calmly, no panic and no fuss. The housing market of major cities and resorts still quite stable.

Despite coronavirus epidemic, real estate prices are also stable. In conditions of limited demand, retailers prefer to keep their apartments, rather than lower the price tag. Developers are also waiting. However, many of them attract buyers interested in shares at the prices and favorable terms installment.


How will property prices in Bulgaria in the future, to predict difficult. However, many experts believe that the price level will be stable, at least until the end of the year.

These forecasts are based on anticipation of a surge in activity in early summer after the decay of the epidemic is coronavirus and the lifting of the quarantine. Now many are prepared before the crisis, operations have been frozen, and as soon as the opportunity arises, the transaction will be completed.

The long-term consequences of the crisis is difficult to predict, as it is unclear how quickly it will be able to curb the epidemic and what damage it will inflict on the global economy. So while everybody is waiting, too early to talk about the market Outlook.

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One thing is certain. The real estate market has experienced many crises, and survive this. According to experts, the market came to the crisis in better shape than in 2008. The price per square meter is balanced, the demand exceeds the supply, banks are not burdened with mortgages. According to experts, the crisis will not be so protracted as in 2008 and 2009, and recovery will happen faster.

How to behave during the crisis?

Now buyers have a lot of free time to carefully examine the proposals. You can use the advantageous offers developers in installments, or to find a seller who wants to quickly sell the property at an attractive price. This time you need to use and seek the best options for investment.

You have questions? You can always contact the Manager of the company "Bulgarian House.com", to consult on issues that interest you, request information on shares, prices, market situation.

See also:

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Anna (Ukraine)

I would like to express my deep gratitude to BolgarskiyDom for its

Read full 03-12-2024
Galina (Russia)

The company that was recommended to me is wonderful guys. They found

Read full 23-07-2024
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