According to a report by British experts RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) the value of real estate in Bulgaria in 2014-2015 will grow. Published by the London Institute study notes that the office market in Central and Eastern Europe is becoming more attractive to foreign investors. This leads to an increase of demand for office property in its limited supply.
According to the statement of experts RICS increased activity of Western investors on the Bulgarian market of office premises is associated with the improvement of the macroeconomic situation in the country, increasing its business attractiveness, a significant reduction in the tax burden. And although political instability and the vulnerability of the banking sector is still alarming, however, the projected growth of income from invested funds, continues to attract foreign capital.
The increasing demand for commercial real estate, and, respectively, and the growth of rental prices, indicates a gradual reanimation of the Bulgarian economy and the country's withdrawal from the crisis. These optimistic trends have a positive effect on the Bulgarian property market and cause a price increase in this segment.