In early February 2015 with the decline in the number of tourists from the CIS, the Bulgarian authorities have announced the simplification of the visa regime for Russian and Ukrainian citizens, as well as citizens of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Georgia. According to the authorities attempted changes will boost the number of foreign visitors in the tourist season 2015. What are the advantages opens innovation tourists and owners of property in Bulgaria?
According to the agreement between sectoral ministries easing will affect citizens planning to travel for the first time, and those for whom a visit to the country has already become a good tradition. Tourists who are planning their first visit to the Bulgarian state will be able to get a multiple entry short-term visa for a period of 1 year, and those who in 2014 have already received permission to enter a period of 3 years. Foreign nationals under the age of majority and spend the holidays in local holiday camps, will receive short-term tourist visas valid for 5 years.
For property owners simplification of visa regime will bring some benefit, as will contribute to the reduction of time for obtaining visas. Moreover, facilitated the entry can serve as an additional incentive for those who are planning the purchase of real estate in Bulgaria.