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23-07-2024Galina (Russia)

The company that was recommended to me is wonderful guys. They foundRead full review

03-07-2024Vladimir and Julia (Russia)

The guys know their stuff. Great job.

Read full review
20-06-2024Sergey and Nadezhda (Ukraine)

Thank you to the staff of Bolgarskiy Dom for their professionalism andRead full review

09-06-2024Lyudmila (Ukraine)

This company is staffed by considerate, intelligent, and responsive people who areRead full review

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Customer from: Russia (Moscow)

Region: Sunny Beach

Property characteristics: Apartments on the Black Sea coast

Deal: September 2012

My name is Galina. I live in Moscow. Last summer, I vacationed in Bulgaria. I really liked it, and my friends also advised me to buy property here. I stayed in Sveti Vlas. I liked it a lot. But I bought property in Sunny Beach because we plan to live here year-round.

The company that was recommended to me – great guys. They found a suitable option for us, and we started processing the documents. There were no problems with the documents. Everything happened quickly. All based on trust.

Sunny Beach is a good city. We were drawn to it because we wanted to move south. The Moscow climate doesn't suit us very well, but here it’s excellent. We settled in well.

To those who want to buy property in Bulgaria – may all your plans come true. Go for it. I wish you good luck in your endeavors. Goodbye.

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