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Cost estimates for the purchase of real estate in Bulgaria

Property cost estimate

Before you begin the complicated process of purchasing property abroad, namely in Bulgaria, it would be desirable to assess their financial capabilities. Therefore, experienced experts was compiled estimates of all the costs that are anticipated in the process of purchasing property.

Of course, this estimate is not a common standard, because we each have our own inquiries with regards to features, different perception of luxury apartments and houses, as well as their needs. Therefore we will discuss the estimates calculated on the purchase of real estate in optimal conditions, at an average price and in a short time.

Step one: search and selection of the object

Assume that the two spouses are sent from Moscow to Burgas to buy an inexpensive apartment in the resort. They do not act through the Agency, and independently. In advance of being at home via the Internet they picked up a few real estate options and contacted agencies in Bulgaria. In the country they're going to have 5 days to select the object. What costs they should expect?

Be sure to consider the following:

  • Plane tickets
  • The cost of the guided tour
  • Hotel accommodation
  • Food

The cost of flight tickets

Two adults a plane ticket from Moscow to Bourgas will cost about 32 000 rubles, that is 670 euros. This is assuming that the tickets are booked in advance and not in the holiday season, and, for example, in March.

Observation tour Agency

If all the objects selected in the same real estate Agency, you can offer an inspection tour. In this case, each day in the hotel you will be to call an Agency representative and show selected for inspection of the apartment. Provided that an inspection tour to end buy a home, to pay for the services of a real estate Agency in Bulgaria do not have to.

But it is worth considering that this service is unlikely to apply to those objects that are scattered throughout Bulgaria. If so, it is better to take a few days to rent a car. The cost of this service is about 25 Euro per day.

Hotel accommodation

Where to stay in Burgas to you: in an expensive hotel or in a simple hostel. For example, take the cost of accommodation in a three star hotel for 5 days - 25 Euro (includes Breakfast). If you book a room at the last moment, the price may increase significantly.


It is encouraging that the Bulgarian food in restaurants is cheap, 15 euros will be enough to order dinner for two that includes first and second courses, salad and drinks. when the calculationsmultiplying this amount by two to include in the estimate of waste for dinner.


Five days accommodation in Burgas together with tickets, meals and car rental will cost 1000 euros. This amount may be less if you use the service real estate Agency for a viewing trip to Bulgaria.

Step two: purchase of apartment

Property choice is stopped on the object from the secondary sector in one bedroom. The apartment is furnished, located in a residential complex on the second line from the sea and has an area of 50 sq. m. again, This is just an example, in Burgas you can find apartments, both cheaper and more expensive than this option. All depends on the financial capacity of the buyer.

So, you have the following costs:

  • Payment object
  • The work of the Agency
  • Tax fees
  • Registration of the object

Payment object

Assume that the object is worth 30,000 euros. You may be able to reduce the price during negotiations and bargaining with the seller. Anyway, to start, you need a portion of this amount (usually € 1000) transfer to the seller to reserve the property and withdrawing it from sale. The rest of the money should be transferred to the account of the seller on the day of signing of the contract of purchase and sale. The time period between booking and transaction can last 1-2 months depending on your desire.

Jobs real estate

As a rule, all real estate Agency services for sale and purchase of real estate for free. Will be paid only service that you can enjoy after the conclusion of the notarial deed. For example, you can instruct the Agency to do for you the following: to register the apartment in the BULSTAT register, the cadastre service, tax, restructure rooms utility bills to the new owner, etc.

Tax fees

  • The fee for registration in the property registry in the court - 30 euros.
  • Tax on acquisition of real estate - 880 euros.
  • Notary fees and VAT - 315 euros.
  • Translation services - 40 euros.
  • Drafting of deed of sale-150 euros.

You will also need:

  • Identification of personal documents 10 euros.
  • Copies of documents certified by a notary public - 10 euros.
  • Registration of the contract is 75 euros.

Although the amounts are in Euro, they need to pay in national currency, in cash.

Registration of the object

If registration of the object in state courts for you does the Agency (which is very desirable, so as to decide these issues is difficult, especially because of ignorance of the Bulgarian language), then the whole process will cost you 150 euros.

This amount includes:

  1. Registration in the BULSTAT register.
  2. The Declaration of the property at the tax office.
  3. Update of information in the cadastral Agency and surveying.


AboutBSA the amount you need to spend when buying a property in the Bulgarian resort will be approximately 31 650 euros. Further you can read about what the costs of an apartment in Bulgaria.

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Anna (Ukraine)

I would like to express my deep gratitude to BolgarskiyDom for its

Read full 03-12-2024
Galina (Russia)

The company that was recommended to me is wonderful guys. They found

Read full 23-07-2024
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