After the cancellation of plastic cards BULSTAT, the Bulgarian government decided to go ahead and take new legislative changes aimed at further simplifying the procedure of conclusion of transactions of purchase and sale.
The reform is designed to solve 3 important tasks:
- to combine the Cadastral and Property registers, to minimize the cadastral omissions;
- to increase the scope of the cadastral registers;
- how to simplify the procedure for obtaining documents from the Agency's inventory and the transaction of purchase and sale.
The Association registers
Responsibility for accelerating the process of making cadastral maps and cadastral registers of territorial entrusted to the Agency of geodesy, cartography and cadastre.
It is entrusted with the duty of making actual changes to the cadastral map. Through this approach, the government plans to cover the inventory up to 90% of the territory of the Republic.
Thus, it will be possible to obtain all the information about the property in one place!
Assign ID code for each object
Land, buildings and structures in addition to the assignment of rooms will also be assigned an ID code, which will improve the regulation numbering of the restricted areas in the inventory.
When working on projects for amendments in the cadastral map will be used "temporary accommodation" as available number of identifiers is limited.
No tedious documents collection
To facilitate the transaction of purchase and sale, the inventory will be digital. Viewing the history of an object will become available after logon. Some cadastral services will be provided through the Internet. Moreover, their cost will be one-third lower.
In addition, after the entry into force of the adopted Legislative changes will be possible to obtain certificates and documents from the register at any regional office!