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Education in Bulgaria

More and more Russians and citizens of the CIS countries are thinking about moving to Bulgaria for permanent residence with young children or adolescents. For them, the question of the possibilities of their child's admission to a local kindergarten, school or university is relevant.

Some parents do not plan to emigrate to Bulgaria, but want to send their child to study at one of the local universities so that he can receive a European-style diploma.


  1. Preschool education in Bulgaria

    1. Kindergartens

    2. Documents for registration of a child in kindergarten

  2. School education in Bulgaria

    1. Documents for admission to school

    2. Tuition fees for foreign children

    3. Russian schools

  3. Higher education in Bulgaria

    1. The cost of studying at universities

    2. What documents are needed for admission

    3. Best Universities in Bulgaria

Preschool education

A child can be enrolled in a kindergarten from the age of 3. In Bulgaria, it is customary to leave a child in "zero" grade before entering school.

Which kindergartens operate in Bulgaria?

1. Municipal.

Children of citizens of the Republic of Belarus can study there for free. Foreign citizens can also register their children in them, but for a fee - from 80 euros per month. You can enroll a child in kindergarten through the Community website (it is better to do this in April). Without a certificate of "pre-school preparation" to enter the first grade will not work. Training takes place only in Bulgarian.

In large cities, there is often a shortage of free places in public preschool institutions, so it is not easy for foreign children to register in them.

Beautiful interior of a kindergarten in Bulgaria

2. Private.

They are distinguished by improved nutrition for the child, modern equipment, additional options (for example, classes in Russian, learning to play musical instruments, the art of drawing, etc.).

Specialized furnishings in a Bulgarian kindergarten for children with special needs

3. Specialized.

For kids with special needs or health problems. They are accepted only after a medical examination.

4. Seasonal.

They work during the summer months. Their services are often used by tourists who come to relax at the sea.

Block icon with advice

Are you planning to move to Bulgaria with your child? It will be useful for you to find out where is it better to live and how to get permanent residence status!

What documents are needed to register a child in kindergarten?

Parents need to prepare the following package of documents (this list may vary depending on the region and the status of the institution):

  • application (the form can be specified on the Community website);
  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • personal + medical card of the child (the first must be obtained from the department of the Migration Service, the second from a personal doctor);
  • general analysis of blood, urine, feces;
  • information about the vaccinations received (from a personal doctor);
  • certificate from the work of the father / mother (for admission to the state garden);
  • receipt of payment for tuition + contract (when registering for a private garden).

Documents received in Russia must be translated into Bulgarian and legalized!

School education

Bulgaria has a three-stage school system:

  • Primary (from 1 to 4 grades). In the second grade, learning English begins. To go to the 5th grade, you must successfully pass the exam.
  • Average (from 5 to 8 grades). At the end of the 8th grade, an exam is taken in the Bulgarian language, mathematics (or, if desired, physics), the third subject of personal choice.
  • Senior (from 9 to 12 grades). After grade 8, subject to passing the state exam, you can enter a gymnasium, high school or college.
Active participation of children in primary school in Bulgaria
  • File folder icon

    What documents are needed to study at school?

    For admission, it is required to provide a birth certificate, medical card, a certificate from the previous school institution (if the child has previously studied at another school).

  • Tuition fee icon

    How much does it cost to attend school for foreign children?

    Children of Bulgarian citizens receive school education free of charge. Children of foreigners must pay for tuition: up to 400 € per year in a public school or up to 2500 € in a private one.

  • Calendar icon

    When does the school year start and end?

    In Bulgaria, school starts on September 15th. Primary school students finish the school year on May 31, middle school students on June 15, and senior students on June 30.

  • Learning languages icon

    Are there any Russian schools?

    Yes, there is in Sofia at the Russian Embassy, ​​in Burgas, in Kamchia. But it is easier to place a child in a school with an in-depth study of the Russian language, for example, in Burgas and Varna.

Higher education

In accordance with the Bologna system, one of four degrees can be obtained at local higher education institutions:

  • specialist - 3 years (colleges, higher schools);
  • bachelor's degree - 4 years of study at the university;
  • Master's degree - 5 years at the university;
  • doctoral studies - 3 years after master's degree.

The main language of instruction is Bulgarian. But some institutions provide a program in English.

Passing an entrance exam is not required if you are not applying for a budgetary place (only payment of tuition fees). The decision to accept is made based on two factors:

  • the average score of the certificate;
  • level of knowledge of Bulgarian (you need to pass the so-called STBFL test) or English (IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge certificates are suitable).
Joyful university graduates show their diplomas

How much does it cost to study at universities in Bulgaria?

Tuition fees - from 2000 € to 6000 €, depending on the university and the chosen specialization. Upon graduation, a European-style diploma is issued.

Tuition fees at Bulgarian medical universities are one of the cheapest in the EU. This is used by students from different European countries!

What documents are required for admission?

From June 1 to the end of August, you need to submit the following package of documents (some of them need to be translated into Bulgarian by an accredited translator and additionally certified with an apostille):

  • application (can be found on the university website);
  • a certificate of complete secondary education (including a sheet with grades);
  • resume (CV);
  • motivation letter;
  • copy of the passport;
  • medical certificate of general health;
  • conclusion on the absence of HIV;
  • a certificate from a psychiatrist;
  • color photos (3 pieces);
  • documentary evidence of the availability of funds to pay for tuition and housing (for example, a bank statement).

What are the best universities in Bulgaria?

The TOP 10 best universities includes:

  1. Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski".

  2. New Bulgarian University (Sofia).

  3. Technical University of Sofia.

  4. Medical University of Varna.

  5. American University in Blagoevgrad.

  6. Free University of Varna "Chernorizets Khrabar".

  7. Plovdiv University named after "Paisiy Hilendarski".

  8. Economic University of Varna.

  9. Ruse University "Angel Kunchev".

  10. Trakia University (Stara Zagora).

Admission to the university is the basis for obtaining the Bulgarian visa D , which gives the right to enter the country. A week after the date of passing address registration upon arrival in Bulgaria, you can apply for obtaining residence permit status . Extending your residence permit every year for 5 years, you can start applying for permanent residence in order to obtain Bulgarian citizenship !

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Anna (Ukraine)

I would like to express my deep gratitude to BolgarskiyDom for its

Read full 03-12-2024
Galina (Russia)

The company that was recommended to me is wonderful guys. They found

Read full 23-07-2024
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