In Bulgaria, as in any country in the world, residents cherish local traditions and cultural values. The Bulgarian people preserved them despite the almost 500-year period of Ottoman rule.
The culture of the Bulgarian Republic is rich in state and religious holidays. Here are some of them.
March 3 – Liberation Day of Bulgaria. Celebrating the liberation of the Bulgarian people from the Ottoman yoke.

May 6 – Bulgarian Army Day. Celebration of military and religious significance. On this day, the courage of the army is celebrated and the Christian martyr, St. George the Victorious, is remembered.
May 24 – Day of Education and Culture in Bulgaria. Celebrated in honor of the creators of Slavic writing - Cyril and Methodius.
September 6 is the Day of the Unification of Bulgaria. A holiday dedicated to the unification of two principalities into one.
September 22 – Independence Day of Bulgaria. Celebrated in honor of complete independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1908.

Interesting fact: the center of the celebration is the city of Tarnovo, not the capital. In this city in 1908, the manifesto of independence was read out.
November 1 is the Day of the Awakeners of the Bulgarian People. This holiday is dedicated to active cultural and scientific figures of the 19th century.
June 1 is Children's Day.
June 2 is Hristo Botev Day. A holiday celebrated in honor of the revolutionary poet Hristo Botev, and others who gave their lives for the freedom of the country.

September 15 – First day of school.
October 26 – Dimitrov Day. Church holiday of farewell to summer.
October 31st – Halloween, or All Saints' Day.
December 25 – Catholic Christmas.
January 1 – New Year.
February 14 – Day of winemakers “Trifon Zarezan”.
March 1 – Celebration of the beginning of spring “Baba Marta”.

March 8 is Women's Day.
May 1 – Workers' Day.