If you are fast approaching the finish line in buying an apartment in Bulgaria, let me inform you about the procedures after sale of real estate registration.
Receiving a Notarial Deed certifying the completion of the notary deed for purchase of real estate, the process of registration of your property in Bulgaria in three instances:
1 - Registration of the object in the BULSTAT (Bulgarian Institute of statistics)
Within 7 days, which represent the legal duration of real estate registration in BULSTAT, our lawyers are applying to register your property on the basis of the passport of the owner and deed, entered in the land register.
Confirmation of the assignment in the BULSTAT your regular or resale in the country of Bulgaria is the following set of documents:
- registration number inscribed in the identity of the BULSTAT;
- plastic card in the name of the owner of the property made within 2 months from the date of filing the original certificate BULSTAT.
2 – Registration of the object in the Municipal Tax Inspection
At the completion of the transaction on purchase of real estate is allocated a 2-month legal deadline in which the lawyers of our Agency applying for the Declaration of your property in the local administration of the municipality's tax service. The basis of the Declaration are the following documents:
- the completed form;
- ID number BULSTAT;
- copies of the act on the conclusion of the notary deed.
In confirmation of the Declaration of your property in the tax office of Bulgaria, available receipts evidencing payment of tax taxes, showing the date, amount of payment and the incoming number.
3 – Actualization of the object in the Cadastre and Geodesy
After the conclusion of the notary deed for the rights to real estate resort in Bulgaria, the staff of our Agency actualize your property in the civil service for Cadastre and Geodesy, evidence of which will be the presentation of a receipt showing the date, amount of payment and the incoming number.
NOTE: the above procedure after-sales registration is required and leads to sanctions in view of the violation of the statutory period. Meanwhile, the fines and other punishments in no way affect your rights the owner!