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23-07-2024Galina (Russia)

The company that was recommended to me is wonderful guys. They foundRead full review

03-07-2024Vladimir and Julia (Russia)

The guys know their stuff. Great job.

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20-06-2024Sergey and Nadezhda (Ukraine)

Thank you to the staff of Bolgarskiy Dom for their professionalism andRead full review

09-06-2024Lyudmila (Ukraine)

This company is staffed by considerate, intelligent, and responsive people who areRead full review

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The country's growing demand for apartments large area


In Bulgaria there is a growing demand for large apartments from Bulgarians living abroad. This was announced during a round table on the topic "the real estate Market in Varna and the region", organized at the initiative of the company Imoti.net – according to the portal Investor.bg. At the business conference, which was attended by leading construction companies and real estate Agency Bulgaria, considered key trends in the market.

According to the statistics of the last few years, Bulgaria buyers interested mainly housing small in size. However, now there are more sellers selling their apartments in favor of purchasing real estate a larger area.

If in 2015, buyers were mainly interested in a "turnkey", in 2016-2017 years, preferences shift toward housing BGS (Bulgarian state standard). This property allows you to select a bigger square and draw the design yourself.

With the growing number of real estate deals in Varna marked decline in rental rates. In 2017 monthly rent 2-room apartment of the middle class is 250 euros, and a 3-room – 300 euros. For comparison, in 2015, a similar object was estimated to be 325 and 425 euros respectively.

As reported by experts, the demand for real estate are concentrated primarily in Sofia, where prices are rising much more rapidly than the average for Bulgaria.

The main buyers are Bulgarian citizens at the age of 27-55 years, including living abroad. Customers are attracted to Bank loans, 25% of cases the property is purchased for investment purposes.

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Galina (Russia)

The company that was recommended to me is wonderful guys. They found

Read full 23-07-2024
Vladimir and Julia (Russia)

The guys know their stuff. Great job.

Read full 03-07-2024
Sergey and Nadezhda (Ukraine)

Thank you to the staff of Bolgarskiy Dom for their professionalism and

Read full 20-06-2024
Lyudmila (Ukraine)

This company is staffed by considerate, intelligent, and responsive people who are

Read full 09-06-2024
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