I want to Express my gratitude to BolgarskiyDom, which 3 years ago my wife bought an apartment. Still surprised by my gamble to buy without looking at anything without specifying...
More 17-07-2015Our names are Julia and Mr King. We purchased this apartment in Saint Vlas. We helped the employees of the company “BolgarskiyDom”. We learned about the company through our friends...
More 21-06-2015
Thank Company for a successful transaction when buying property in Fort Knox. I wish ...
More 26-08-2014
I want to Express my gratitude to BolgarskiyDom, which 3 years ago my husband bought an apartment in Bulgaria. Employees are distinguished by competence, excellent knowledge of the legislation of Bulgaria, the whole documentary part of the deal was very fast and...
More 17-06-2014The cold Russian winter came my husband said, “well, if we were to buy an apartment in Bulgaria?”. I said, ”Why here, let's look at some other countries.” We reviewed many options and decided that it should be...
More 28-03-2014My name is Rimma Nikolaevna. I live in Moscow region, Reutov. I saw information about the exhibition of property in Bulgaria and went to see the place. I met the company “BolgarskiyDom”, and very friendly. I came to as native people...
More 13-06-2013"BolgarskiyDom" is a company that has been working on the Bulgarian market. And we are very happy that we were lucky with her to begin their search, some strange apartment initially. But as it turned out, everything worked...
More 26-01-2012