Wondering why a real estate Agency in Bulgaria, writes about the disadvantages of buying a holiday home on the Bulgarian coast?
We are always honest with our customers and do not hide that the purchase of apartments by the sea can be fraught with unexpected problems.
In this article you will learn:
what “pitfalls”, disappointments and challenges may face those who decided to buy an apartment on the beach in Bulgaria?
profitable or not to buy an apartment in Bulgaria in 2020?
why some Russians sell a property in Bulgaria?
We have analyzed the most common experiences of those who are thinking about buying an apartment in Bulgaria on the sea and have prepared practical tips!
“I'm afraid to get on the “divorce” and buy a house with debt or a mortgage, since forums often write about how the Bulgarians throw buyers.”
Reading stories about how the Russians have taken a property in Bulgaria according to various fraudulent “schemes”, many customers fear to buy an apartment mortgaged at the Bank or, for example, with the heirs.
Indeed, the Bulgarian legislation does not forbid to sell the property mortgaged at the Bank on the mortgage. And the duties of the notary is to check for encumbrances.
Do not believe a word the seller. Carefully check the documents. In the day of notarization and the transfer of money, go to the website icadastre.bg and personally inspect the facility for the presence of encumbrances. But better to use the services of a competent lawyer who will look into it. Or contact our Agency (see how we check the legal purity of real estate).
“If I do not live year-round in the apartment, including my neighbors, then after the winter it will mold.”
Yes, high humidity on the coast does lead to the appearance of mold in the not-ventilated and cold apartments, which are located mainly on the first ground floor.
The sea is not limited to sand, and goes for another few miles away in the form of groundwater, the depth of which not more than one or two meters. As a result of poor waterproofing of the houses on the first and second lines, the water can seep into them. As a result, over time, crumbling plaster and mildew.
How to avoid this problem?
Bad waterproofing of houses is characteristic only of old buildings, built before 2010, when the construction of the chasing speed and the dash��isney.
In most apartment complexes and homes built in the last 5-10 years and provided for year-round use, this is not a problem.
Buy apartment in the winter. So you can check its status and not be afraid that before the season the seller to make cosmetic repairs and smeared mould.
If you already own apartments in the residential house of the old buildings and the arrival of summer, face the problem of the presence of mold, it can contract with a management company for the provision of services in the ventilation housing in the winter. This can significantly reduce the likelihood of mold again after its removal.
“I'm afraid to buy an apartment in Sunny beach, since a lot of negative reviews about the poor quality of construction of local apartment complexes.”
Often homeowners in Sunny beach, who decided to save money and bought the apartment “for nothing”, write negative reviews because of their deplorable condition and denigrate the entire city, although as in any city there are decent buildings, and there are slums.
The shore not more than 50 years. Development and mass construction started relatively recently in 2000-ies. This period was characterized by a huge demand for apartments by the sea and was therefore accelerated and simplified construction. Of course the quality of these houses was low and was explained their purpose "a summer place".
Since 2010 began to grow, the demand for apartments for permanent residence. As a result, has changed the approach of developers to build. There was a modern apartment complex, suitable for year round living.
When you search for housing, pay attention to modern apartment complexes built in 2010-2018.
Another important point is the management company (like our office) that services the house. All these private companies and work in different ways. The quality of their service depends on comfort and price. Pay attention to the exterior of the house and local area. If everything is clear, so control is good.
“Property prices in Bulgaria are rising, but rather falling. If you want to sell the apartment, I lose 10-15%.”
Many doubt whether to buy an apartment in Bulgaria near the sea in 2020, because they do not believe that, if necessary, can recover the money invested.
Not to get into a situation to invest your money, we recommend you to focus on the secondary real estate. At the same time, pay attention to the quality of construction and level of management company.
Buy studios and apartments��anti in modern apartment complexes built in 2012-2018 Prices are generally rising or at least stable.
Even if there is a need for urgent sale,
the Agency BolgarskiyDom can buy an apartment for up to 80% of market value. The period of processing such transactions takes 5 to 30 days (depending on period and availability).
“Some have bought apartments in the complex, which, as it turned out, mainly foreigners live. The management company was to put a huge bill. To change the management company was very difficult, as it is practically impossible to collect most of the owners are foreigners to vote on the issue. Afraid to be in the same situation!”
These are isolated cases. Typically, in the complexes rarely raise the maintenance fee. As the price of bread, the maintenance fee can rise when there is inflation. In normal companies it is stated in the support contract. There are also cases when the maintenance fee on the contrary decreased when, for example, in 2014, was the deflation.
Carefully read the contract concluded with the management company. There is written everything, including the cost of maintenance.
“In recent years, the Russians are actively selling resort real estate on the Bulgarian coast. Then they are disappointed with your purchase?”
As those who has relevant and reliable information about the state of the property market in Bulgaria, I can confidently say that in fact quite a few Russians sell their homes. Many live here long enough, stay in the offseason and not going to part with his property by the sea.
And those who decided to sell the apartment in Bulgaria took this decision because:
Appeared unforeseen circumstances, possible financial difficulties. In these situations people leave only the most necessary for life, and the rest sell.
With age they have problems with health, became difficult to carry flights and the long journey, so I decided to return home to the children.
At the time, bought an apartment on the coast as the country to take the summer children to the sea. Over time, the children grew up, they had their Affairs and concerns for the summer, and the apartment just was not needed.
Let's summarize.
The real estate market in Bulgaria, as in any other country in Europe has its pitfalls and dangers. Cons of buying property near the sea in Bulgaria is. But they are all associated with:
the lack of knowledge of local legislation;
lack of up-to-date information on real estate market trends;
cooperation with unscrupulous realtors.
If you weigh all FOR and AGAINST and to build their own value of money (ratio price/quality), then buy an apartment in Bulgaria near the sea now, while here the most affordable prices in Europe.
Do not believe a word the seller. Carefully check the documents. In the day of notarization and the transfer of money, go to the website icadastre.bg and personally inspect the facility for the presence of encumbrances. But better to use the services of a competent lawyer who will look into it. Or contact our Agency (see how we check the legal purity of real estate).