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Russian Diaspora: mutual relations with the local population

You plan on buying property in Bulgaria, or even thinking about how to move to this country for permanent residence? Then You certainly are concerned about the attitude of Bulgarians to Russian-speaking immigrants from other countries. How comfortable will stay in that state and how to develop relationships with the local population? This article considers the relationship between the Bulgarian population and the Russian Diaspora, will help you find answers to these questions.

The demographic situation in Bulgaria

The demographic situation in Bulgaria is similar migration situation in most countries of Eastern Europe. The period of active migration to more developed regions of the world, observed in the 90-ies of the last century, gave way to the influx of foreign nationals, including Russian-speaking communities from Russia and the CIS. This is due to the improvement of the economic situation and the country's course towards European integration. Today in Bulgaria there are a large number of immigrants from these countries, many of which are bought in this country the estate and moved to these places for permanent residence.

According to a recent census (2011) on the territory of Bulgaria has approximately 35600 foreign workers, excluding persons with dual citizenship. Of this amount, and 33.7% are citizens of Russia, 8.6% of citizens of Ukraine, 3.3% of migrants from Armenia. For comparison, the number of permanently residing in a country of immigrants from the UK and Greece is 7.3% and 3.5% respectively. Statistics show that the total number of Russian immigrants in Bulgaria is 50.9 percent, which clearly indicates that the Russian Diaspora - the largest in Bulgaria.

The attitude of Bulgarians towards the Russian Diaspora

Except in a few cases, in General the attitude of the local population to the Russian Diaspora is quite friendly. Tolerance Bulgarians is associated, primarily, with a common national and cultural roots, as well as a fairly close historical ties.

Positive attitude Bulgarian to Russian evidenced by the data of sociological research conducted in 2012 by the Institute for the study of society and knowledge.” The study involved more than 1,000 respondents of different ages and ethnic groups, from almost all regions of the country, different education and religious affiliation. Participating in the survey asked the following questions:

  • How do you feel about the Russian Diaspora in Bulgaria?
  • What is the impact in your opinion had the Russian Diaspora to development and spiritual life of the Republic of Bulgaria?
  • What positive qualities in your opinion characterize the representatives of RussianOh Diaspora?

In response to the first and second questions, respectively, 42.7% 41% of respondents indicated a positive attitude toward Russian-speaking immigrants and only 2.8% and 3.9% were negative. As for the qualities that characterize the Russian-speaking community, the majority of the characteristics identified by the survey participants, were positive.

As the results of this study and the personal experience of many of our compatriots who have already immigrated to this country, living in Bulgaria from the point of view of relations with the local population will be comfortable and enjoyable.

You might be an interesting article: ”the Pros and cons of real estate in Bulgaria”.

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Anna (Ukraine)

I would like to express my deep gratitude to BolgarskiyDom for its

Read full 03-12-2024
Galina (Russia)

The company that was recommended to me is wonderful guys. They found

Read full 23-07-2024
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